Hey all,
This I! The lovely Naomi-Paul Poru. Back from more then a years hiatus.
You don't recognise me? Of course you do! I used to write blogs on my old site Paul's blog! and also on Naomi's space. Yes both are indeed my sites and no I don't have a splits personnality. ( At least not that I know of. ) Both blogs had to do with two of my personnality traits that I didn't want to mix before. But since I'm too lazy to hold two seperate blogs, and also because my original blog has gone to shits ville. ( Thanks M$. ) Added to the fact that I've come to the realisation that I am indeed a TV/TG geek, I've decided to create this new blog which combines these two very different, yet defining aspects of myself. Basically, I'm asking you to follow me if you will in my mindless self indulgence. ( Some of you did for almost two years. Why should it be any different now. ^-^ )
For those of you just tuning in to my universe, ( Or don't have a clue about what the frack I'm talking about. ) let me give you a brief description. Hi, my name is Naomi-Paul and I am a transvestite, with strong leanings towards being a transgenderer, that just happens to like geeky stuff. If you want more simplification. I'm sometimes a girly girl who likes movies, roleplaying games, videogames, anime and comics... with a penis. ( Can't get more simple than this. In fact, it's quite the vulgarized version. ) If you have a problem with who I am, then please, direct your attention to the red square with a white 'X' in it at the top right corner of your browser. Or clickety click here and please don't bother me anymore. If you're still here, then come and stay a while.
What's to be expected from this blog is quite simple. Pretty much the same content as in Paul's Blog!, ( I.E. Pseudo game and movie reviews. Presentations of stuff that I think is cool. My opinions on certain subjects. ) with a little more than a soupçon of Naomi's space. ( Which will basically be stuff that touches on Transgender related topics and my adventures in gender land. Don't worry, nothing too explicite will be divulged. Not so much because I don't want to be graphic but rather I'm not the type pf person that talks about her sexual escapades. You know what I'm talking about. We all know someone like that. ^-^ ) I'm also planning on having a Youtube channel with the same name. I'm not sure at what frenquency I'll be making videos, but at least it should serve as a portal to come in contact with different videos made by trans sisters or brothers. ( Either transvestites or transsexual. I don't even care really. We're all somewhat on the same boat. ) So this way, if a gender confused teen that happens to be a geek comes across my site, at least they'll be able to see that he or she is not alone. And at the same time, if I am able to raise a little awareness about transgendered related topics to the geek community, then I'll be a happy camper. Although truth be told, if my friends are any indicator as to how the geek community react to the transgender community, then I must say that I am proud to call myself a geek. We seem to be quite an open group of people. ( I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that both groups are somewhat persecuted by the jocks..... I should totally stop throwing lables out like that. -_-' )
So if you're interest is still peeked and you can't wait to read future blogs, I thank you deeply. If you're an admirer and you're just here to see pics of me, then I thank you as well but I have to warn you that pics will not be updated much. ( Unless I see that there's a market for it, in which case I might be tempted into buying a digital cam to take more photos. ) I'll try to put my gamer tag here soon. This will necessitate a name change to my existing gamer tag to fit the name here, so you'll be able to see my avatar on Xbox Live and add me to your friends list if you want. ( I warn you right away, I'm not super good though. ) So yeah, that's about it for now. I'll try to come up with something new to write soon. My goal is to update my blog at least once a week. Heh, I know I maybe dreaming by setting this itinerary, but it's one of my goals I set for myself. ( Watch it be destroyed by the fact that I play to much games. Or because I'm a slacker. Or simply because it takes me two fracking hours to shave before I dress up. I meant the whole body of course. :P )
In any case, thanks again for being here and stay tune for more. ^-^
Until then, this is me signing off.

This I! The lovely Naomi-Paul Poru. Back from more then a years hiatus.
You don't recognise me? Of course you do! I used to write blogs on my old site Paul's blog! and also on Naomi's space. Yes both are indeed my sites and no I don't have a splits personnality. ( At least not that I know of. ) Both blogs had to do with two of my personnality traits that I didn't want to mix before. But since I'm too lazy to hold two seperate blogs, and also because my original blog has gone to shits ville. ( Thanks M$. ) Added to the fact that I've come to the realisation that I am indeed a TV/TG geek, I've decided to create this new blog which combines these two very different, yet defining aspects of myself. Basically, I'm asking you to follow me if you will in my mindless self indulgence. ( Some of you did for almost two years. Why should it be any different now. ^-^ )
For those of you just tuning in to my universe, ( Or don't have a clue about what the frack I'm talking about. ) let me give you a brief description. Hi, my name is Naomi-Paul and I am a transvestite, with strong leanings towards being a transgenderer, that just happens to like geeky stuff. If you want more simplification. I'm sometimes a girly girl who likes movies, roleplaying games, videogames, anime and comics... with a penis. ( Can't get more simple than this. In fact, it's quite the vulgarized version. ) If you have a problem with who I am, then please, direct your attention to the red square with a white 'X' in it at the top right corner of your browser. Or clickety click here and please don't bother me anymore. If you're still here, then come and stay a while.
What's to be expected from this blog is quite simple. Pretty much the same content as in Paul's Blog!, ( I.E. Pseudo game and movie reviews. Presentations of stuff that I think is cool. My opinions on certain subjects. ) with a little more than a soupçon of Naomi's space. ( Which will basically be stuff that touches on Transgender related topics and my adventures in gender land. Don't worry, nothing too explicite will be divulged. Not so much because I don't want to be graphic but rather I'm not the type pf person that talks about her sexual escapades. You know what I'm talking about. We all know someone like that. ^-^ ) I'm also planning on having a Youtube channel with the same name. I'm not sure at what frenquency I'll be making videos, but at least it should serve as a portal to come in contact with different videos made by trans sisters or brothers. ( Either transvestites or transsexual. I don't even care really. We're all somewhat on the same boat. ) So this way, if a gender confused teen that happens to be a geek comes across my site, at least they'll be able to see that he or she is not alone. And at the same time, if I am able to raise a little awareness about transgendered related topics to the geek community, then I'll be a happy camper. Although truth be told, if my friends are any indicator as to how the geek community react to the transgender community, then I must say that I am proud to call myself a geek. We seem to be quite an open group of people. ( I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that both groups are somewhat persecuted by the jocks..... I should totally stop throwing lables out like that. -_-' )
So if you're interest is still peeked and you can't wait to read future blogs, I thank you deeply. If you're an admirer and you're just here to see pics of me, then I thank you as well but I have to warn you that pics will not be updated much. ( Unless I see that there's a market for it, in which case I might be tempted into buying a digital cam to take more photos. ) I'll try to put my gamer tag here soon. This will necessitate a name change to my existing gamer tag to fit the name here, so you'll be able to see my avatar on Xbox Live and add me to your friends list if you want. ( I warn you right away, I'm not super good though. ) So yeah, that's about it for now. I'll try to come up with something new to write soon. My goal is to update my blog at least once a week. Heh, I know I maybe dreaming by setting this itinerary, but it's one of my goals I set for myself. ( Watch it be destroyed by the fact that I play to much games. Or because I'm a slacker. Or simply because it takes me two fracking hours to shave before I dress up. I meant the whole body of course. :P )
In any case, thanks again for being here and stay tune for more. ^-^
Until then, this is me signing off.
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