Yet again we will delve into our collective childhood to rummage through old memories of the past. Today I bring an entry that has two intros. But are at the same time very different. ( You'll understand better when you'll watch them. ) So without further ado, I present to you:
The Real Ghostbusters
And also: Ghostbusters
I can actually hear you say: "What the frak?!". I know, I was very confused too when I was younger. Especially since I really loved the GhostBusters movie. You can imagine my surprise the first time I saw two GhostBusters show in the TV Guide and was treated to two very different shows. I just thought it would be double the proton pack fun. The second show turned out to have a Gorilla in it.
Still, Ghostbusters had it's own thing going for it. And I have to admit it was pretty interesting none the less. In fact, I think my dad preferred this one instead of The Real Ghostbusters show with Peter, Ray, Egon and Winston. It was based on a live-action television show for kids in the 70's called The Ghost Busters.
Apparently there was a big brou-ha-ha made about the licensing of the name when it came time to make the cartoons. So the cartoon based on the movie was named the Real Ghostbusters just to differentiate the two series.
So now you know... and knowing is half the battle. ^w^
Until then, this is me signing out